Children have a special place in the heart of God and in the life of The Bridge as well.
Our Children’s ministry, which we call Bridgekids, meets every Sunday for age appropriate, Christ-Centered lessons (6th grade and under). Bridgekids is a safe, joyful, and impactful environment where we desire to help kids grow to love Jesus and love others with all their heart. Our hope is that as we partner with families, our children would experience life with Jesus as an incredible adventure, life that is truly life.
When you arrive, check-in with a greeter and they will show you to your child’s classroom. Know that our teachers are background checked and trained to make significant memories in the lives of our kids. Fair warning: your kids will be asking to come back next week!
Reaching children is a priority for our community. Watch this sermon from our teaching series, Pass It On, to learn more.