A portion of each dollar you give supports missionaries in over 50 countries around the world through our tribe. Beyond those contributions, we choose to focus our global efforts in four directions.

Partnership with World Vision

Each May we have a blast through our Walk for Water 6K. By registering and walking with us, you are guaranteeing water for life for an individual who does not have access to clean water.

We also encourage individuals and families to sponsor a child through Covenant Kids Congo, above and beyond their regular giving.

Partnership with Covenant Missionaries Julio and Katie Isaza in Colombia.

In 2020 we started praying for and financially supporting the Isaza family and their work in Columbia. Currently 40% of our denominational giving goes directly to support Julio and Katie. You can learn more about their work on their blog. Join us in praying for the Isaza family!

Partnership with Operation Christmas Child

Each November and December we pack shoeboxes with gifts for a child through Operation Christmas Child. Along with their gift, they are invited into a discipleship relationship that goes through The Greatest Journey, a booklet about God’s great love demonstrated in Jesus. Every year, children accept Christ as Lord and Savior by going through The Greatest Journey and are given gospel resources to take back to their families and friends.

Partnership with Covenant World Relief & Development

We also respond to natural disasters, get critical supplies to refugees, surround women and children who are rescued from sex trafficking and much more through our partnership with Covenant World Relief & Development