Being together matters.

Throughout the week, there are small groups that meet up to study the Bible and pray. In addition to groups that are open to all people, we also have Men's Groups and Women's Groups that meet separately. As a whole church, we meet on Sunday for a corporate worship gathering, but our mid-week groups meet with the purpose and intention of going deeper in relationships with each other and in relationship with God. Why? We follow Jesus together.

We currently have the following groups:


Tuesday Night Small Group:

  • Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:30 PM at the Holbert’s in Gilbert. 

Connection Groups:

  • Bridge 2 Trails - a hiking group
  • Game Night - a group that gathers to play cards and games

Practicing The Way:

  • We also partner with an organization called Practicing The Way to offer periodic classes to help you discover and flourish in your apprenticeship to Jesus.

Head to the info table on Sundays or email to get contact information for groups or to see if any new groups are launching soon!